Changing Cambodia 2014 – 2015

This is the third year that I have been learning at Liger. During this years I have improve many things. One of them is my my english reading skill. My english level have moved so far from other any other students when I did my reading test with my Literacy teacher Caro. At Liger if we do something good like this or you get best at something teacher will give you some prizes. So that mean I also get to choose a prize from my teacher too because I get to be the best at my reading skill. I also have learned Grammar Bootcamp. Grammar is one of my challenging skill because I am not good at that skill at all even khmer. But after I have learned grammar bootcamp I have improve a lot. I can understand about grammar more than I have expected. I also have learned many Explorations. I have been in an Exploration called Cambodian Economy. I have done many research about that. I also went on a trip to Men Sa Run rice mill factory to learn because this is one of the sector that help the economy in Cambodia grow. I have met a man at there. He is the director at that rice mill factory. We have asked him about his factory and also about how he can export his product to the international market. We went there is not just the purpose of learning, but our goal in our Exploration is we want to publish a book about Cambodian Economy in the present. I also have learned about Water Sanitation in Cambodia. I have went on two trips to Battam Bang and Siem Reap. I have learned how is the filter work at there. The one that I am really interesting at is at Siem Reap because lots of tourism go to visit there, so there are many hotels and restaurants are located in Siem Reap. The system is also very interesting because before they build the filter system they need to think about the sun, wind and many thing because they don’t want the stench to go into the city by how the wind blow, so they need to build it far from the city. Beside what I have learned in school at on that trip I also get to join a option project call Technovation. I always spend my whole Sunday weekend to go to meet my team at a place call Development Innovation (DI). This project is all about girls around the world with technology. The intention of this project is for all girls that have divided in team to make an app to help their own country. There are about 1000 teams have joined to compete. So everybody worked really hard to finished our work. It took us about three months every weekend on Sunday to go to and work at DI for the whole day. According to what I have learned I think I am a child in Cambodia and I can do all this things, which is challenging, but I can do it. Even I am the girl, but I still can do many thing with technology to help my country. I think if there will be more girls know more about technology our country will become a developed country because we can generate many new thing out of technology. Also water is one of the thing that we need to think of and also have some idea with water. I know that I can share to other people to know how important it is to keep the water clean, so when they are really understand about that it will be a great thing for people to know like our country that is still developing.

Giddy Up Winnie


This book has a title of Giddy Up Winnie. This book is a level P which I used to read with my reading group. Most of the part in this book is about magic and adventure. I was really enjoyable with this book on the fun part like Winnie broke her wand then she want to have her wand back, so she grow the broken wand to make a wand plant and at the end she finally got lots of wands from her wand plant.

Water Sanitation Description

Exploration Name: Water Sanitation

Learning Facilitator: Solyka

Number of Students: 12

Course Description:

This is the second time that I get to learn about water again over all the Explorations that I took so far. In this Exploration we were learning about the Water Sanitation Challenges in Cambodia. The thing that we really focus on the most is the sanitation about the bathroom that people use if there are living at flooded village, in the city and how the water system work. I learn some kind of toilet that people use at the flooded village. That toilet have two holes, one hole is for number one and another one is for number two. There is no sewerage system at the flooded village, so they use the bucket to put underneath the hole from the toilet and when the bucket there is a station that collect all the waste and put them as the fertilizer. Then they can benefits from that waste. This kind of bathroom call Pit Latrine. To learn more about all these things we went on two trips to Battam Bang and Siem Reap. We went to see how the system works at Battam Bang and the thing that is really interesting to me is all the waste from the city are all go to the rural area and the people near the treatment place can use the water that already treated by the plants to use, but they are not for foods the water can just for plant the plants and they can get lots of benefits after they that water because it is full of good things for the plants to grow in there. Then I went to Siem Reap. As Siem Reap is one of the best Eco-Tourism place, so they need to have a better strategy to get the water system work well and when the wind blow by seasons there is no affection to the city. That mean before they build the place they need to think really carefully. There are also lots of things for me to know more and if I know all of these things it can also make me have some of an idea to change my country.

Cambodian Economy Description

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Name of course: Cambodian Economy

Learning Facilitator: Jeff

Number of Students: 12

Dates: November 24- February 6

Course Description:

During this Exploration round I learned many things about different sectors in Cambodia. I learned that in the economy there are three different sectors. They are primary sector, secondary sector and service. We can also use other words instead of those words: they are agriculture, industry and services. The primary sector takes the raw materials that haven’t transformed yet. The secondary sector transforms the raw materials into goods. Last but not least services provide the services to the consumers. Besides those three things we also read some articles about the economics in Cambodia in the present and also in the past. They were so challenging for us because the English is not for us kids that are still learning English, so we needed to try really hard with that. We have also done some research about the different sectors in Cambodia now. We found out that the problem in Cambodia now is that our products are hard to export to the international markets because our products are not in the high quality enough for what the market wants. If we can’t export lots of things, so they will be a big issue for our economy because our country can’t make any income to develop our country. It is really difficult for our country to find money because we are still a developing country. At the start of our Exploration we had an intention. We are going to publish a book about the Cambodian Economy. According to our data that we collected from the internet and many different books, but the information aren’t enough for us to publish a book yet, so we are also goes to many different trips to get more idea.

Culture Shock Description

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Exploration Name: Culture Shock

Exploration Dates: October 6 – November 21

Number of Students: 13


Essential Questions:

What are the Khmer Beliefs?
What ceremonies do Cambodians always celebrate?
What is culture shock?
How do visitors to Cambodia feel when they get here and what can we do to help them?


Culture Shock is the Exploration that studied the culture in Cambodia. We learned about Khmer Beliefs, General Etiquette in Cambodia and Khmer Ceremonies. To learn more about these things we also did the research on the internet to get more ideas. There are many religions in Cambodia and the religion that nearly all of Cambodians believe in is Buddhism. In Buddhism we believe that when people do the bad thing they will go to hell when they die and they will stay in hell until their bad things are paid. Besides this if people do the good things, when they die they will go to heaven or when there is the next life they can (be) born in the rich family. We also learned about the Khmer Ceremonies. There are: Wedding ceremony, Funeral, Water festival and so on. Water Festival is the ceremony used to celebrate the past because Khmer ancestors used to be at war with other countries. So to help them when they were at war, the king made up this ceremony to help the soldiers feel stronger when they rode on the boat to fight. Cambodian culture also has traditional clothes for each ceremony. When people attend the funeral they should wear the white shirt with the skirt or pants. To be sure with the things that we learned, we also went to Siem Reap to see Angkor Wat, different temples, and the sculptures on the walls.

Entrepreneurship Description

Name of course: Entrepreneurship

Learning Facilitator: Kichong

Number of Students: 13

Dates: August 13 – Oct 3

Course Description:

In our Entrepreneurship Exploration, we learned many things about business and also about 3D printing machines.
To make a business:
People have to come up with an idea (to know what business that they want to work on)
To come up with an idea, you have to know what people need, so you can make the thing that relates to what they want or what they need.
To know what your customers want you can do the research by: asking people, researching, looking up on the internet, reading the books, newspapers, magazines, watching television and many other things.
When you get ideas you have to think about what should you make to sell to fit with people’s problem, so you can sell your product a lot and get a lot of benefits.
After you make it you can try to use it first to see if it has the good quality or not because if you sell the product that doesn’t have the high quality you can’t sell it for the high price and also your customers will not buy your product anymore because it is not good.
When you sell your product if you can you should let the customers give you feedback about what you should change.
If you can you should make changes for them, so you can attract more customers and make more money.
You also have to think about competitors because it is not just you making that thing, so you also need to make your product better than them or more special than them, so you will make more money.
If you sell for the first time sometimes you can’t get the benefits at the beginning, but it takes a long time to get the benefit. So just keep going, don’t give up because the business will not always give you the benefits at first. Sometimes it goes down, but it can also go back up too.
If you wait for a long time and still no one buys you need to think about your product: why don’t people need it? Maybe sometimes people don’t know about it or they don’t like it. So you need to know what you should do to solve the problems.
When your business is successful you can improve it more or make the new thing to get more benefits.

The things about 3D printing machines that I have learned was this is the kind of machine that can print the material out of plastic. Like if I want to make a cup I just build that shape in Sketchup or the other app called 123D Design. Then I just connect that to the machine and it will print that shape for me. My team came up with many different ideas, but we decided to choose an idea about pencil cases. We divided the team up to work in many different jobs for our business. We also had some trips to some schools to sell our products and our business was successful because we sold many of them and we made about $100. To let more people know about our products we also created a blog to share to people. We named our product the Cambodia Pencil Case (CPC).

Algebra A Description

Name of Course: Algebra A

Learning Facilitator: Jeff Boucher

Number of Students: 14

Dates: August 12 – January 16

Days we Meet: Monday – Tuesday
Course Description: In our Advanced Enrichment we learned about Math. This Advanced Enrichment lasted really long and the students had a really hard time working on that. We learned the hard math by learning it step by step. There are many clever students in this class and all of them are very patient. Every day in our class the math got harder and harder but we got smarter as the time kept going. Sometimes we realized that the math that we had learned could be used in real life. The important things that we learned for the whole year were negative numbers, the Greatest Common Factors, linear equations, y=mx+b form or Slope-interception, parabolas, Quadratic formula/equation, etc. All of these math sections were very hard. It is something that people will think that it is hard because they did not try yet and for those people who try they will think it is easy. But for us here we do not think it was hard or easy we were just trying our best.

Botany Description

young plant

Name of Course: Botany 2

Learning Facilitator: Jojo

Number of Students: 9

Dates: October 20-January 16

Days we Meet: Thursday-Friday
Course Description:In our Advanced Enrichment we learned about botany. Botany means learning about plants. Plants are the only organisms that can make their own food and that’s called sugar or glucose. Plants make their own food is called photosynthesis. Photosynthesis means plants take sunlight to make their own food. Plants make photosynthesis on the leaves. The organ in leaves works to make the food. In leaves have chloroplast and in chloroplast have chlorophyll. Plants take the carbon dioxide and lay out oxygen. During the day, they do photosynthesis. Plants have physical features. There are: roots, stem, leaves, fruits and flowers. In the stem there are two tubes. First tube is for sucking the food or it’s called nutrients and the second tube is for sucking the water. In our class we had the activity is growing the plants. Our resources were paper, plastic bag, water and seed. First we needed to soak paper with water but not very wet and put the seed in it. Rub it not too tight and put in plastic bag. The plastic bag needed to be open for oxygen get in it and put at the place that have a sunlight. We need to put the water, unless the paper is dry. When the seed germinates like come out the stem, leaves, we take out from the paper and put in the soil.

Robotics Description


Name of Course: Robotics 3

Learning Facilitator: Max

Number of Students: 9

Days we Meet: Monday/Tuesday

Advanced Enrichment Dates: March 30- June 12

Course Description: In Robotics we did many things about programming the robots and also to build the robots by the legos. First we studied how to build the robots by the legos. So we divided into the group of two then we started to build the robots. We built the lego robots by following the instructions the first time. When we finished building the robots we started to study how to program the robots. When we knew about that we started to do the challenges with the programming by using the robots to follow the line. When we finished that challenge we also did the other challenges too. Then we took off all the shapes out from the robots and we started  building the new shapes to make it stronger. We made whatever that we wanted. We did like that because we wanted to do the competition with each other. This competition if we wanted to win we had to make our robots stronger and when we went into the circle we tried to made the other robots go out the circles.