Algebra A Description

Name of Course: Algebra A

Learning Facilitator: Jeff Boucher

Number of Students: 14

Dates: August 12 – January 16

Days we Meet: Monday – Tuesday
Course Description: In our Advanced Enrichment we learned about Math. This Advanced Enrichment lasted really long and the students had a really hard time working on that. We learned the hard math by learning it step by step. There are many clever students in this class and all of them are very patient. Every day in our class the math got harder and harder but we got smarter as the time kept going. Sometimes we realized that the math that we had learned could be used in real life. The important things that we learned for the whole year were negative numbers, the Greatest Common Factors, linear equations, y=mx+b form or Slope-interception, parabolas, Quadratic formula/equation, etc. All of these math sections were very hard. It is something that people will think that it is hard because they did not try yet and for those people who try they will think it is easy. But for us here we do not think it was hard or easy we were just trying our best.

Infographics Description


Advanced Enrichment Name: Infographics 1

Learning Facilitator: Jessica

Number of Students: 13

Advanced Enrichment Dates: August 12-Oct 17

Days We Meet: Thursday and Friday

Course Description: In Infographics class we learned about what does infographics mean. Infographics means the way showing information as a chart or diagram. In Infographics we learned to look at the pictures to understand the information and we were so excited to get a chance to looked at an infographic because it was our first time to look at infographics by our own. When we first looked at infographic we got a little confused but the strategies are sometimes to look at the arrow. Infographics might have a lot of pictures but some don’t have a lot of pictures. The pictures that we looked at were about the Earth like when the animals die and decompose and become gasoline or gold. We even looked at infographics about acid rain. At the end of our Advanced Enrichment we made our own infographic about Liger as the same as 100 people. We made our own infographic because we wanted other students and visitors to get some information from our infographic.


Botany Description

young plant

Name of Course: Botany 2

Learning Facilitator: Jojo

Number of Students: 9

Dates: October 20-January 16

Days we Meet: Thursday-Friday
Course Description:In our Advanced Enrichment we learned about botany. Botany means learning about plants. Plants are the only organisms that can make their own food and that’s called sugar or glucose. Plants make their own food is called photosynthesis. Photosynthesis means plants take sunlight to make their own food. Plants make photosynthesis on the leaves. The organ in leaves works to make the food. In leaves have chloroplast and in chloroplast have chlorophyll. Plants take the carbon dioxide and lay out oxygen. During the day, they do photosynthesis. Plants have physical features. There are: roots, stem, leaves, fruits and flowers. In the stem there are two tubes. First tube is for sucking the food or it’s called nutrients and the second tube is for sucking the water. In our class we had the activity is growing the plants. Our resources were paper, plastic bag, water and seed. First we needed to soak paper with water but not very wet and put the seed in it. Rub it not too tight and put in plastic bag. The plastic bag needed to be open for oxygen get in it and put at the place that have a sunlight. We need to put the water, unless the paper is dry. When the seed germinates like come out the stem, leaves, we take out from the paper and put in the soil.

Robotics Description


Name of Course: Robotics 3

Learning Facilitator: Max

Number of Students: 9

Days we Meet: Monday/Tuesday

Advanced Enrichment Dates: March 30- June 12

Course Description: In Robotics we did many things about programming the robots and also to build the robots by the legos. First we studied how to build the robots by the legos. So we divided into the group of two then we started to build the robots. We built the lego robots by following the instructions the first time. When we finished building the robots we started to study how to program the robots. When we knew about that we started to do the challenges with the programming by using the robots to follow the line. When we finished that challenge we also did the other challenges too. Then we took off all the shapes out from the robots and we started  building the new shapes to make it stronger. We made whatever that we wanted. We did like that because we wanted to do the competition with each other. This competition if we wanted to win we had to make our robots stronger and when we went into the circle we tried to made the other robots go out the circles.

Film Making Description


Name of Course: Filmmaking

Learning Facilitator: Mr. Jeff

Number of Students: 12

Dates: January 19 – March 27

Days we Meet: Thursday and Friday

Course Description: Our group studied about filmmaking. When we started to study our Advanced Enrichment we started to study in Internet by watching a video and how many kinds of the tricks that they used to do their videos. When we studied in the Internet already we all started to make one video that talked about the book. When we made the video we were not taking the video in video camera. Our way was we took a picture then we put it in the folder in our computer. Then we used one program in our computer to do our sponsor video book. That program is call Movie Maker. Then when we did it already we started a new things. The new thing is that we took a picture of our school then we made it into a video and that video we needed to make it perfect. Some ways that we can make us to have a good video is that our video needed to have three things: 1. good sound on the video 2. picture is clear 3. have a good information. Then our filmmaking thought about a new ideas. Some people thought that they wanted to make a movie about the sticky hand can play the Minecraft in the computer. Some more people said they would like to do a movie about the stickman dancing and one more big ideas was they like to make a movie about the stick girl. We thought that this was very important things so we started to make a movie. The movie like stick men, sticky hand, it just took only a little bit of time but for the stick girl movie it took very long time to make a movie. The title of the movie that talked about the girl was Charlie Lima. This story was really hard to film because we have many scenes to film and one scene maybe took for two days to film because is hard and this story told about the stick girl wanting to be like a human. So it was a little bit related to the people so we needed to make the stick girl look real. That video took us nearly one month to make this movie and until now we not finished yet. Unfortunately the time went so fast so we don’t have enough time to finish our movie but we hope we will. Filmmaking group were really excited because they can study how to make a video and acting and how it hard when we do the movie. Everyday of our study we were trying hard and working together as a team and everyone was happy. We all were really happy to study about filmmaking because filmmaking is the part of the things that is important for us.

Charlie Lima Website: