Frisbee Competition – Malaysia

17th March 2018

Here is another amazing opportunity being offered. Every weekend on Sunday, I would be joining a frisbee training with other girls; we call our selves “Bee Force”. Through hard work and lots of training time, I got selected from our team to go to Malaysia to be in the competition, to represent our country and to represent our only girls’ team. We got lots of new players. Some of our players only got like half a year of experience, but we all tried our best to compete. Out of the six games we played, we won 1! It was a great experience to see how much all of us were pushing ourselves and we finally won our first international game! It was really inspirational for me to see how many other women play out there; they are strong! I even saw some women were playing against men! There is no specific gender for any kind of sports, anyone can be good at it as long as they try.  

Greek God – Hermes

We’ve been learning about Ancient Civilization in our Literacy class. We were focusing Greek Mythology. We researched about a Greece god, so I god Hermes. Hermes is a god messenger, but could also be known as a god of music or god of wind. I was supposed to write a character profile about my greek god, so below is a quick myth about Hermes. We also had to create suitcase symbolism to represents materials that our god would bring if they were to go anywhere.

At an age of one day old, a young baby Hermes revealed his unique personalities: curious, smart, but also a trickster. Hermes is a son of Zeus, ruler of the Olympian gods/goddesses and Maia, a daughter of Titan Atlas. This second youngest of the Olympian god was born in a course of one day on Mount Cylene in Arcadia. On the first day of his birth, Hermes sneaked out of his cradle when his nurses turned away from him. He wandered around in the field and saw a herd of cattle. He then drove them off and hid them in a cave in mountains. By the time he realized that his nurses will come to find him again, he started to head home. On the way, baby Hermes found a tortoise shell. He then connected strings to it and had created himself a tortoise lyre. He entertained himself by playing his new instrument till he got home. He then went straight back to the cradle; no one was aware about what he had done. Apollo, the owner of the cattles also known as god of music, poetry and art, was told by an old man that his cattles were stolen by baby Hermes. Apollo went straight to Maia, and told her what had happened. She was surprised and took Apollo to baby Hermes, who’s sleeping peacefully in the cradle. Apollo didn’t believe the innocent look of baby Hermes and insisted to take him to mount Olympus before Zeus or any other gods could say anything. Baby Hermes denied and could talk as fast and fluence enough that other gods who were there were amused and delighted by it. Hermes stole the cattles, but Zeus, his father still felt so proud of his son that baby Hermes could do such a thing when he’s only a day old. Hermes is intelligent, but he still need to confess what he had done and that he should also bring Apollo to where he had hidden the herd of oxens. He brought his new tortoise lyre to play on the way and Hermes was seemed to be impressed by it. Hermes gave his new instrument to Apollo, since Apollo loves musics. Apollo seemed to forgive baby Hermes by then. Apollo then gave his cattles to baby Hermes in return.

Camkids Survey – Kampong Speu

4th March, 2018

I am currently in an exploration that is mainly focusing on creating surveys that will not create bias answer when we ask our questions. So far, we’ve been working on creating questions relating to different sections: education, health, and loans. We went down to Kampong Speu on the 1st of March just to get some more information relating to how we can make sure our survey fits with the people there. We went there again on the 4th to interview villagers for a whole day and we got a sample size 105 people, which is a fairly good amount comparing to a population size of around 300. I learned a lot from the survey. To me, it isn’t just a project to collect data, but I can feel the difficulties of Cambodians who are living in those villages in Kampong Speu. Due to money, children are quitting school. Due to money, some of the families only spend 50 cents in a day for foods. I found the information helpful and our team will soon do a data analysis relating to the answers that we’ve collected. The data will be helpful for Camkids, an organization down there, to help to find donors to help to improve the village’s condition.  

Science Fair – Olympic Stadium

2nd March, 2018

Stem is always an interesting idea to investigate and learn deep into them. They are just mind-blowing. Some materials that we found useless can turn into amazing structures. I am glad to participate the STEM event that was held at Olympics Stadium. There were lots of materials being built by students and many other engineers to represent physics behind a system as well as a building. Besides that, I also got a team of three with two of my classmates to go activities that were created by STEM event organizer. It was amazing that we can also have fun while learning a concept. I am also happy to see lots of government school students showed up and actually presented something they’ve learned in school.